Monday, June 15, 2009

No disturbing images, I'm sorry

Then again, I guess that's debatable :-)

I finally got around to posting my lovely cell phone picture from the battery testing a couple weeks ago... You know, when I fell in love with whatever that city is called up there in the mountains... close to Grand Junction? (Does that show you the depth of my attachment or what? )

Anyway, battery testing can get pretty boring. Basically what we're trying to do is run a power plant backup battery down to make sure it lasts as long as it's supposed to. So, we do a bunch of preliminary tests on the battery to make sure it's "healthy," hook up or test equipment, and run the battery down for a long... long... time. By the end of a week of testing, I was about ready to go insane.

Midweek, the water bottle got the sack:

Fortunately, I had a backup and jerky to gnaw on:

This is a view I've seen way too often:

Ok, so battery testing isn't as bad as all of that :-) I did get to see a cool power plant! To get to it, you had to go down this tunnel:

And through this door:

All this to enter an underground power plant with Lakeside tile!

It even had rock walls!

Then it was time for Crystal dam. Well, as it turns out, the Hamvas's were on a family vacation and actually visited this dam... er... stood outside the gate at the same time that I was completely bored, staring at the wall of a battery room. Alas, I didn't know they were there or I would have given them a tour! Not only could they have seen inside a fairly interesting dam/power plant, they could have seen the "miracle cleaner" those guys try to sell door-to-door. Turns out it's some kind of cleaner for poultry farms :-) (Well, I don't know if it's really the stuff or not, but it sure looks the same in more ways than one!)

And best of all, the Hamvas family could have seen a green stool made out of plywood! (I take it this was from the days when you had to write a requisition to buy anything!)

The car was clean at the beginning of our trip...

Although the tests were short, I didn't really enjoy visiting the Malinas... Little generators out in metal sheds are noisy. Plus, those birds that build their nests in the eves of roofs were everywhere:

Oh, I guess deer have started grazing in the neighborhood:

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