Thursday, December 4, 2008

Coulee -- Day 4

MEH! That's all I have to say.

Now I'll expound:
Every *cough* muscle *cough* in my back is sore.
My feet are tired of being stood on for 11-13hr days.
The two guys with me were excited about tomorrow being the last day of work... I have to stay here for another 6 days.
I honestly couldn't figure out what day of the week it was.
I'm sick and tired of complaining.

Ok, it's not nearly that bad. I would enjoy going to bed right now, though :-)

One picture for you all:

You thought your UPS was big? Check it out! The three double-height shelves you see in the picture are the backup battery for a computer system UPS. Each of those containers is a single cell. You know your car battery? It has 6 cells inside of it. These cells aren't all that huge -- probably only 1/2 the size of a forklift battery :-)

So, is it fun? Yeah. I've gotten to see some amazing stuff... Stuff you only see in movies. I found out today that a lot of movies have been filmed in dams. Nate (my coworker) said he was at Hoover Dam and watched a movie on TV when he got back to his hotel. All of a sudden, he though, "HEY! I know this hallway!"

Battery 6 of 14 complete! (We're doing the big ones first, so it's slower right now.)

I don't know why I'm still posting. There's nothing new to say. Hope ya'll are doing ok!


Becka Travers said...



You've really got to get a spelling dictionary one of these days. Ok, sure it was spelled right, but I've never eaten something so unlike a muscle in my life.

Yes, we're all doing ok. Well, at least I am. I don't know about anyone else.

I'd better go before my satire and bad mood rub off on you.

Jowy H said...

How many computers do they have in that place!

KEEP 'EM COMING! (even if all there is to say is "Hi, 9 of 14")

Steven said...

Aren't siblings great?
I'm glad you are finally earning your wages. ;)
Hey, would you like me to order up a keg for when you get back?
It would be root beer, but hey if you drink enough you are guaranteed to be sick. :D

Great Googly Moogly! said...

Just tell the person whose standing on your feet to get off! MEH!!

Muscles are tasty with Chyle sauce and Cartilage Dressing!

Ben&Brit said...

*sigh* muscle... man :-)

Becka Travers said...

Thank you, Ben.

Wow, you got off work early today, like early, man! Like it wasn't like 10:30 when you called!

Food still good? Or have you finally exhausted the possibilities?

See you Wednesday, I'm off to finish my school now, and it probably won't be done until tomorrow.! Yippee!

BTW, next week is a good week to come home on. I get to make Christmas cookies all week. Seriously, and it's like way cool.

BTW again, I like your car. No, I haven't driven it, but I like seeing it in the driveway. It looks cool. The Morgans haven't commented on it yet; maybe they're waiting until you get home.:D

Steven said...

Cookies.. All week eh?

Steven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Steven said...

it's fun to leave duplicates!

Ben&Brit said...

EEEeehh! I'm having so much fun!