Friday, February 27, 2009


Well, I have nothing to do over lunch today, so I guess I'll write a blog post. (yippee. i am so excited. can't you tell.)

I used to have interesting things to do over lunch like write emails, but, well, guess all good things come to an end. :-)

I found out I'm working with the electricians, starting Monday. I'm excited for the fact that I actually get to do something instead of sit around watching or updating drawings, but being "underwater" all day is going to be an adjustment.

When we get to work, we'll ride the 400' dam elevator to the powerhouse and then take the powerhouse elevator to floor 2. Floor 2 is below the down-stream river elevation.

Who knows! Maybe I'll get to rotate to a submarine next!

Oh, and thanks for the cookies, Beck. They're still really good :-)


Jowy H said...

I must say I'm happy to see a picture... but I must admit, when you said the stuff about Hoover Dam, and submarines, I was thinking more along the lines of this.

Ben&Brit said...


Actually, there are a lot of Indian symbols in the dam, so it doesn't look too odd :-) *cough* Native American *cough*