Sunday, March 1, 2009

It's my Birthday!

YAHOO! Ok, well, maybe it isn't, but Pizza Hut seemed to think it was: Yes, I went to church today. Not much to say. Sunday school was on Chapter 14: Of saving faith in the Baptist confession. In church, they've made it up to the peacemakers in the Sermon on the Mount. After church, some people had me over for lunch, and that was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it and enjoyed being with people again.

I'm kind of missing traditional hymns. There's a huge range in this church, all the way from traditional to contemporary, all played in a bluegrass/Celtic style.

(And, no, this isn't the church. It's just a sample of one of the things we sang today. It's hard to sing hymns when you don't know them and only have the words.)


Steven said...

It may not be your birthday, but it IS your birthday month!


Missing traditional Hymns, eh? Well, there's a fix for that.. Just sing whatever you are thinking of, while the church people are singing their song. If you sing loud enough, I'm sure that you will make some kind of change or some sort.

Sarcastic Sally said...

You should have Steve send you a CD of GLAD's traditional hymns!

Ryan_Th3_K1d said...

Don't they have hymn books?

Jowy H said...


You should just buy a bunch of those old hymn books from the 1700s (that don't have any music(just lyrics), and make them sing the songs that you know. That'll teach 'em... AHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA!
(Curls up in corner and starts twitching while saying, "That's right Timmy, you don't have arms now because you were mean to me! aha ha ha ha ha haa ha ha hahaa.")

Ben&Brit said...

BOL! (Burst out laughing)

MEH, Steve. I guess it is, isn't it. I like your idea, but no matter how loud you sing at this church, you can't hear yourself. The only people I've heard was a black lady next to me and a kid that was really beltin'-it-out. :-)

NO, SALLY, NO! Spare me! Have mercy on one such as I, a worm! :-) (Ok, I'll stop making fun of your CDs, Steve... Too bad it's so fun.)

Yeah, Jack... They have hymnals, but half the stuff they sing isn't in the hymn book...

LOL, Joe. Chapter 14 of the Baptist Confession of 1689. They're not really "chapters," they're more like sections of the Baptist confession of faith. The church is studying it as a tool to help people study what they believe and why they believe it.