Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weird things about Denver

It all started when, once again, I was amazed at the sheer size of Denver. The entire city of Vegas and the surrounding areas feels like just one finger of Denver. The mountains in Denver are absolutely enormous, and everything is spread out.

Since they wouldn't let me bring my car on the plane as a carry-on, I made Steve bring me to get Propane for our grill. (Eat here. Get gas.) He started mentioning street names like "Federal" that sounded vaguely familiar. No "Steff-aye-nee street" in Denver! (That's how my GPS says "Stephine." It may have Spanish down, but it has problems with names. I think I need to name my GPS... Let's see... Oscar is my stomach... Bianca! That's it! Huh... My GPS is silver, not white. Eh, close enough!)

I had Dinner with Mom and Dad at the Black-eyed Pea. Sitting in the waiting area caused me to suddenly realize I have not seen any architecture that even resembles the architecture in Black-eyed Pea for a month. Las Vegas is all very grand, and that simply seems to throw tons of architectural styles out the window. The most "normal" architecture is the historic "Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas" sign that's pretty much in the middle of the city.


Sarcastic Sally said...




Ben&Brit said...

KODOL! The first thing I thought of when you said that was the sims clapping about a new item :-)

Sarcastic Sally said...

Meh, I did too, but that wasn't what I was thinking when I typed it.

Jowy H said...

I like the tiny little patch of green grass right in front of the sign... :D

Bianca???? I vote that you call it Steff-aye-nee.